Literary Witches


The Literary Witches Oracle, Taisia Kitaiskaia and Katy Horan

Definition of Cancel Culture: “Some people who are “special” have power to shut down certain voices that don’t choose the right path.” (Tulsi Gabbard)

Sunday, March 14, 2021

Writing is a way to connect with the soul. Writers have always been natural Shamans.

Last year, I received The Literary Witches Oracle for Christmas. It is a deck of 30 visionary female writers who were “different drummers” in their times.

I am beginning this series of literary witches with a Russian writer, Anna Akhmatova (1889-1966) and her quality of Endurance. The Russian people are infamous for their passion, frank speech, and resiliency. It is believed that Shamanism began there, in Siberia, as the original Nature Religion.

Anna Akhmatova is perhaps most remembered for her epic poem “Requiem”, written over a span of 30 years, about the Russian Purge under the Stalin regime. It deals with spiritual themes of suffering, endurance, and condemnation of the Russian Purge.

During Stalin’s reign, fathers, brothers, and sons were imprisoned in Soviet Russia. In “Requiem,” Anna refers to biblical figures like Mary Magdalene and the Virgin Mary during the Crucifixion of Jesus, as she likened them to the scores of Russian women who waited outside the prison gates for their men. The theme seems to be “Release Through Surrender”:

“And let the prison dove coo in the distance

While ships sail quietly along the river.” (Anna Requiem)

What is the spiritual significance of Anna’s Requiem today?

Let’s explore the societal themes surrounding us today and compare them to the 1930’s Soviet Union:

—–Elderly people being sent back to nursing homes to die and spread the coronavirus. (Elimination of the Weak?)

—–A wall surrounding our nation’s capitol. (Lack of access to the Elite.)

—–Females being disqualified from competitive sports with other women due to participation of transgender, biological men in their leagues. (We all become the same. But we’re not.)

—–Portland and Seattle still in anarchic chaos. (Keep them fighting with each other and We’ll take over.)

—–Jobs for the Alaskan Pipeline being “cancelled” just as we emerge from the pandemic. And we don’t even give Canada, our major Ally, a “heads up”. (Creation of joblessness, poverty, and social unrest.)

—–Mexican cartels controlling the border. (Creation of chaos and We’ll restore order.)

—–Unaccompanied minors flooding the border with no Covid restrictions (Creating poverty situations and health hazards to breed chaos.)

Regardless of one’s political persuasion, is there an insidious trend being sold to the American people under the guise of “Equity”? (Equal Outcome vs. Equality of Opportunity.)

Of all the societal trends, the one I find currently most disturbing is “cancel culture”. If Anna were alive today, I think that she would be warning about it by composing poetry, so as not to be cancelled.

Disney movie actress fired for saying “Persecuting people for political beliefs is awful.” (Facts Not Memes – ‘Joseph Stalin Was the First Cancel Culture Pro” –

Over the last few months, we have been especially flooded with Cancel Culture. Some examples may seem silly and insignificant, but just as we learned in the Kaballah, look beneath the surface. Here are some examples:

1. “Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head” cancelled due to gender sterotypes.

2. “Pepe Le Pew” cancelled for rape suggestions.

3. “Dr. Seuss” cancelled for racial stereotypes.

4. “Gone With the Wind” cancelled for racial stereotypes.

5. English talk show host “Piers Morgan” cancelled due to his criticism of Meghan Markle.

6. Actress, “Gina Carano,” from the Disney movie Mandalorian, cancelled due to her warning that cancel culture is similar to Nazi Germany.

Will they be coming for you next, if you voice an unpopular opinion? Is it time for a spiritual/political discussion by the Elders to protect against this disturbing trend? Are we the last generation who will be able to do this?

I don’t know about you, but I am striving for “herd immunity” not “herd mentality”.

Or will the Emperor continue to have no clothes?

We will ENDURE.

4 Replies to “Literary Witches”

  1. Donna, Well said… I agree that we should strive for “herd immunity” not “herd mentality”.

    As you also said… “Is it time for a spiritual/political discussion by the Elders to protect against this disturbing trend? Are we the last generation who will be able to do this?” I never thought of myself as an Elder, but I suppose I am. Yes, we may be the last generation to address this cancelled culture. This is way too sad; I cannot wrap my head around all that is going on.

    Where the heck will we be going in 2021??

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